Easton has had a sponge bath every day since he was born, but we had to wait till his umbilical cord fall off before we could really bath him. We had a baby tub but when we went to get it out we couldn't find it so we decided that since this is our last baby we will just bath him in the sink till he is old enough or big enough to bath in the tub instead of buying one!!! He loved his bath and just laid there, he even fall asleep for a few minutes.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Easton's first bath
Our Little Caboose 9*2*11
Easton Bell Young was born September 2nd 2011 at 12:45 pm. He weighed 8lbs 1oz and was 20 inches long, He has a little bit of light brown almost blond hair, and looks a lot like Logan when he was a baby, but on some days I can see M'Tali in him as well. We chose his first name because we were having a hard time coming up with a boys name that we both really liked, ALL the names that Josh had come up with I really didn't like, so when he came up with Easton it wasn't my favorite, but it was better then all the other names that he liked, so I agreed that he could name him Easton since I had chosen M'Tali, Dallin and Logan's names. His middle name was chosen for two reasons first I really wanted something that would have a connection to my mom since this is the first baby that I have had that she wasn't here to witness the birth, even though I know she was there in spirit, so we agreed that we would use her maiden name, and the second reason is because it was also my grandpa Bell's last name and I had already used his first name for Dallin and his middle name for Logan which is Ray, His full name is Dallin Ray Bell, so this gave me the opportunity to use his whole name( My grandpa grew up in the Logan area which is where we got Logan's name from)
This is his birth story!!!
On the morning of Friday September 2nd I had a scheduled doctors appointment at 10:00am in Payson. The Dr. came in and checked me and said that I was dilated to a 3 close to a 4, so he said that he wanted to go ahead and do a induction the next morning. Josh had already taken the day off of work so that he could go to the Dr. with me and every year on Labor day weekend, Josh's work has a Union party and Josh had already purchased the tickets for Saturday and was hoping to take the kids for the day and have fun with them, so he asked my doctor if there was anyway that he could induce me then instead of waiting till morning, and he said that if he could get me in at the hospital then he would but if not I would have to wait till morning. He left the room and made a phone call and came back and said that the hospital had a room and we needed to head over to the hospital.
We left the doctors office which is only a block or 2 from the hospital and made our way over to the hospital, at this point I was getting kinda nervous, but I was also really excited that the day was finally here and we were going to have our baby. We checked in downstairs which took about 20 minutes to sign all the papers.
We then headed upstairs to the labor and delivery unit, by now it was about 11:20am. Once we got upstairs the nurses took me into the room to get changed, they then tried to get my I.V. started, but had a hard time because they said I was dehydrated, she blew my first vein and created a big blood pocket under the skin that hurt like crazy. Finally after trying 3 times she was able to get my I.V. in.
At 12:15 my Dr. came in and broke my water and said that the baby was still really high and that he expected me to be in labor for 8-10 hours, but Josh told him I have really fast labors, and that my longest labor was only 3 1/2 hours, but he insisted that this one wasn't going to go as fast.
Within 5 minutes of having him brake my water, I started having really bad contractions, so I asked the nurse if I could get my epidural and she told me that I had to wait till I had finished 3/4 of the bag of saline fluid they were giving me, but that she would turn it up so that I could get the fluid faster, but it would take about 1/2 hour to get the fluid in, so I could get my epidural around 1:00pm.
My contractions were getting really strong and the hand that they had put my I.V. in had started to go numb, and within a few minutes I could hardly move my hand at all, it was like it was paralyzed, so I asked my sister if she would go get my nurse, she went out to find my nurse, but came back and said that she couldn't find her. My hand was hurting so bad but I wasn't able to move it at all, so I pressed the nurses button and asked them to send my nurse in. She came in a few minutes later and all of a sudden I felt like I had to push. I told my nurse and she said she'd check, but she just picked up the paper that keeps track of the babies heart rate and my contractions.
Within seconds I felt like his head was coming, so I told the nurse, and her comment to me was "OK lets check, we've had stranger things happen around here". I really don't think she believed me, she slowly put her gloves on, but I could tell that his head was already out, so I put my hand down towards his head and sure enough I could feel his head, she then took the sheet off of me and sure enough there was his head and his shoulders already out, she told me to not push, the
nurse was trying to call for help but couldn't get anyone so she had my sister pull a cord out of the wall that sends an alarm out to the nurses station, a few minutes later 2 nurses walked in and asked her if she needed help but Easton was not going to wait, he was delivered at 12:45, just 30 minutes of labor, and only about 6 contractions later.
About 5 minutes after he was born, my Dr. walked in and said 8-10 hours what the heck. He was really purple and bruised from coming down the birth canal so fast but other then that he was perfectly healthy.
Easton needed a little bit of oxygen when he was born.
Daddy in the nursery with Easton
Our "Complete family". It's hard to believe that I am a mom to 5 kids.
Mommy and Easton. I was really hoping for a girl to complete our family, but I love this little boy more then words can express. He is such an amazing blessing to our family. I am so thankful for the opportunity we had back in June to take our family to the temple and for the chance I was given to have one of my children born under the covenant. We love this little boy so much!!!!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Baseball/Softball Season
So I'm not very good at taking my camera to events that we have, but I just happened to grab it this one day.
We signed M'Tali up for softball again this year, but when we showed up to practice, we realized that they had accidentally signed her up for boys baseball and not girls softball, but she decided that she wanted to play baseball even though she would be the only girl, not only on the team, but would be the only girl in the whole league. She actually ended up playing both in the end, but played more baseball games then she did softball games. Her softball team took 1st place in the city tournament, and they went to state tournament, which meant that we had to sit in the heat for 2 days, but it was fun to see her play!!!!!
After playing both baseball and softball, we decided that even though baseball was a good experience for her, we are going to stick with softball, because she can go farther in softball then she can baseball. Girls can't play baseball once they get into high school, they have to play softball!!
We are hoping to get her on an accelerated team this year!!!!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Eternal Family!!!
Saturday June 4Th 2011 was one of the most amazing days that our family will remember forever. We were all able to go to the Manti Temple and be sealed as family. The day was so beautiful, but it was also a very emotional day. I have waited for this day for my whole life, but I always pictured it a lot different, don't get me wrong besides my wedding day and the birth of my children it was the most memorable day I have ever had, the only thing that wasn't perfect was the fact that one very important person wasn't there. Mom, I know you were there in spirit, but it was always my dream to have you there by my side. The sealing was amazing and of course I cried the whole time. We had a lot of friends and family that came down and supported us and without them it just wouldn't have been the same.
The most beautiful part of the sealing was after me and Josh were sealed they brought the 4 kids in, and that was when I got really emotional. They looked like little angels in all white!!!
Our Forever Family.......it's hard to believe in a few months we'll be a family of 7
After we were all changed we came out to do a few more pictures, being over 6 months pregnant, and taking pictures in the heat was exhausting so we didn't take to many pictures!!!!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Our VERY sick little monkey!!!
February 17th Logan became very sick. I had taken him to the Dr. the day before and she told me he had a slight case of croup and started him on a steroid. Later that night he got really sick and could hardly breath. We thought about taking him to the emergency room but decided to wait it out till morning. Logan would not wake up at all on Thursday morning and had not eaten or had anything to drink for 24 hours, by 12:00pm Thursday afternoon I decided that I was going to take him back to the Dr. I got ready and by 1:00 was at the Dr. office and they had him hooked up to a monitor that was registering his heart rate and oxygen and his heart rate was so high that they were worried he was going to go into cardiac arrest(normal is around 90 and his was 200), so they started him on oxygen and gave him some Tylenol because his fever was 103 and immediately called an ambulance and with lights and sirens took him to Utah Valley. Once there they gave him an epi treatment which is just an oxygen treatment with steroids to help open up his lungs. Within 30 minutes of having his epi treatment he was needing another one to help with his breathing, so they gave him another treatment and decided that it would be best to have him transferred to Timp hospital for insurance purposes(my insurance doesn't cover Utah Valley) and have him admitted in the pediatric unit. So another ambulance ride and we were in the pediatric unit receiving oxygen and another epi treatment. Logan was SO dehydrated that they could hardly draw blood or start an IV. After 9 pokes he finally was receiving fluid. Within a few hours his blood work came back and his white blood cells were so critically low that his body was producing premature white blood cells. They took his temp again and he was still at 103 even after receiving 2 doses of Advil. The Dr. thought that maybe he might have Meningitis because his fevers were so high but she didn't want to do a spinal tap just yet because he didn't have all the sign of it. An hour later they took his Temp again and it was up to 106. She then decided that he needed to be life flighted up to Primary Children's hospital. I called Josh and my dad and they came up to the hospital and my dad gave Logan a blessing and within 15 minutes Logan was on life flight on his way to the pediatric ICU at Primary's. We spent 10 days there trying to recover from severe croup, Influenza B, and Laryngitis. It was so hard to watch him be so sick and know that there was nothing that I could do to help him except to hold him and comfort him the best I could. Thank you everyone who prayed for Logan during this very scary time and for all the meals that were brought into my family.
Life flight getting ready to take off with my very sick little boy. I had a video of life flight but it wouldn't load on my blog!!!
Logan receiving some oxygen before life flight came to pick him up.Logan broke out with this rash all over his body and they couldn't figure out why. They tested him for every virus out there and all of them except the croup and influenza came back negative.
Logan hated the breathing treatments so we tried to do them while he was asleep.
Logan slept a lot the first 4 days
His oxygen kept dropping so they had to give him oxygen and he hated it, he would only keep it in while he was asleep.
Logan was so sick he didn't know what was going on most of the time. If you look close at his arms you can see all the bruises from all the IV's and blood tests they had to do. He was poked over 25 times and they finally said if he needed another IV he would have to be sedated and a PIC line would have to be put in.
He was so sick of being there and was so miserable.
DAD!!!! I want to come home, come and get me!!!! This was the morning we got to go home Logan looked so much better but still had really bad laryngitis and still had a little bit of croup.
I don't have a picture of it, but on his 6th night I believe, Logan's heart rate dropped really low and they couldn't get it to come back up so they had cardiology come and do an EKG to make sure he wasn't going into heart failure from all this. He had 12 different leads on his tiny little chest. Thankfully the EKG came back normal and everything was fine with his heart.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
NEVER leave a 19 month old unsupervised!!!
Why do you ask?? Because they will do stuff like this.
Logan was playing in my room today and it got really quite, when I went to check on him (He had only been up there for about 2 minutes) this is how I found him. Logan loves lotion and gets it put on him everyday so of course it is always just sitting around and he found it and decided to put it on himself. When I grabbed my camera he sat there and said "cheese". Luckily I found him before he had emptied the whole bottle(30oz).
Monday, January 10, 2011
Morning Zombie
Logan's hair is getting so long that he is often mistaken for a girl. Almost daily we hear comments like "your girl is so cute" or " your little girls eyes are so adorable", or "oh she is such a doll" I guess he's just a really adorable little boy. Even if he wakes up looking like a zombie, he has the craziest hair when he gets up. But even though people think he's a girl and he has crazy morning hair we still love him, and couldn't imagine life without him.
Cold, Snow,Sleds, Hot Chocolate = Family Memories!!!
Josh loves this time of year and all the wildlife that our great state has. On our way up to the cabin, we saw over 300 elk, about 50 deer, 2 turkeys, and 1 moose, but Josh loves this picture of an Elk that we saw on our way home from the cabin, he was way up on the top of this ridge but it was so amazing to watch him try to walk in all that snow.Logan actually is in this picture but with all the snow you can't see him, he really loved sledding until M'Tali blasted him in the face with snow then he was done.
Dallin loves to sled and spent about 8 hours outside. By the time he came in his gloves were frozen solid.
Dakoda is so proud of this picture and will show it to anyone that will look at it. He is such a snowboarder, and has been since he was about 4. He wants his own snowboard and passes next year. He thought he was so cool when I showed him this picture.
See, Logan really did love sledding. The smile on his face just makes me laugh. He kept wanting to go up and down up and down as long as someone pulled him up in the sled. Luckily he has a really nice sister and cousin that was so willing to make sure he had a good time. M'Tali is such a good sister she took him up and down for about an hour. Logan is at such a fun age, everything that he does is something new and makes us laugh. He is so entertaining.We love being able to create these memories with our kids and hope that these traditions are passed down to their kids. We love to talk about the things we've done in the past years!!!
Christmas Day
We all had a wonderful Christmas this year. Last year after mom died we decided to have my dad move in with us, so this was the first year having him here for Christmas and we all love that he was able to spend Christmas morning with our family. The kids got a ton of stuff for Christmas.
M'Tali got a new camera and a laptop, of course I don't have a picture of her with her laptop, but it is way cute and she loves it. She also got some softball gear, a new hoodie, a new skateboard, and some pajamas.Dallin got a new shot gun, I was a little apprehensive about getting this for him because I thought he was way to young to get a gun, but Josh talked me into it and he loves it he also got some WII games, some new shoes and a new skateboard. Now Josh can take him bird hunting. Both him and M'Tali are getting ready to take Hunter's safety class since M'Tali will be able to hunt deer this year and Dallin will be able to hunt next year.
Dakoda got a guitar and 2 lessons, he is so excited we can hardly get him to put the guitar away, he also got a new skateboard and a new rip stick that also has scooter handles on it, he also got some new WII games.
Logan got a new trike, blocks, toys, and coloring stuff since he loves to color.
* here is a glimpse of M'Tali's laptop
I think the kids got really spoiled this year since they got almost everything on their Christmas list. After we opened present we got ready and headed to Josh's parents house to open more gifts. They bought us a new Blend Tec blender as a family gift and I LOVE it. After spending a few hours there we headed down to AJ's house to have dinner. I love this time of year and love being able to spend it with so many close family and friends.
Mom's Christmas
This is the second Christmas without mom here, and it wasn't any easier this year then it was last year. We love to be able to include her in on all the celebrations. We love that we all live so close and can bring Christmas to her. Mom's most favorite holiday was Christmas, she always made it so special for all of us, so of course we try to make it just as special for her. Christmas Eve we took the kids up and they each put a luminary on her grave. We miss her SO much and we wish that she was here to celebrate with us.