Thursday, September 3, 2009

Time Sure Does Fly By!!

It's so hard to believe that Logan is now 3 months old, It has been a very long and hard 3 months, and he has changed so much.

Logan Loves to talk and coo and I love to just sit and listen to him try and make noises.
He is such a happy baby with all that he has been through

He loves to eat his hands and is always trying to get both of them in his mouth, his fingers are so long and skinny that he is always choking himself on them.

Logan has been though alot the past 3 months and they still haven't found out anything, he has been tested for Pyloric Stenosis, Cystic Fibrosis, and all the childhood diseases that they can think of that would prevent him from growing, but so far everything has come back negative, other then the severe acid reflux which I am so thankful for but it's so hard not having answers. He is seen by his own home health nurse 2-3 times a week and sees his pediatrician every week. We were hoping that by the time he was 3 months that he would be up to his birth weight but that didn't happen so I guess our goal is that he will be there by 4 months.
We are so thankful for all the prayers that have been offered on Logan's behave and we hope that he will continue to grow, and get stronger everyday. He is such a happy baby. We love him so much and are so thankful for the few weeks he had to spend with grandma here on earth.
Logan's Stats are:
8lbs 7oz (0.09%tile)
23 inches long (13.78%tile)
14.5 inch head circumference(10.2%tile)


Jen R. said...

you guys make adorable children.

RebeccaVert said...

Those are such CUTE photos Mandi!!! I love him so much!!!!!!