I feel like time just keeps slipping away. With 5 kids there never seems to be enough time for anything extra. The kids are growing so fast, it's hard to believe that M'Tali's first year of junior high is about over, and she will have one more year and then will be in high school. She is our athlete, she just finished up basketball season and tried out for an accelerated softball team and made the team, we will be traveling around the state for her tournaments. Dallin is going to be 12 in August and will be getting the priesthood....CRAZY, I know, he will start football in the fall. This next year we are going to try something different with him for school, I have registered him for on-line school, I've heard a lot of good stuff about it and I really feel good about our decision. Dakoda turned 8 and was baptized, he really enjoys scouts, I think that he has decided that he also wants to play football in the fall. Logan is growing like a weed, he will be 3 in June and will start preschool in the fall, I'm really having a hard time thinking about sending him to school, he is such a character and keeps us laughing, he says some of the funniest things, he loves to play with Easton and is such a good big brother to him. Easton is 7 months old already, he is starting to get mobile, he can army crawl now and can get up on all fours, he is one VERY SPOILED little boy, he loves to be held, and the last few days he has started screaming if I walk away from him, he is a HORRIBLE napper, only sleeping about 15 minutes 2 or 3 times a day, and is still up 4-5 times a night, he is finally liking his baby food. Josh and I stay very busy between softball practices, scouts, Young Women's, we both serve on the scout committee, and I teach Dakoda's class in Primary, plus all the other stuff the kids seems to find to do!!!
Easton could care less if there was a bunny by him, he wanted to play with the pine needle.
Our family!!!! And yes my 13 year old daughter is now taller then I amMy kids are so dang cute!!!
Logan was so worried about the bunny that he wouldn't look at me, he is so adorable, I ask him almost daily why he is so cute, and he always said " Cuz I am"
Hopefully I can keep up on my blog better!!!
YARN ART for kids
4 days ago